Phillip Rouble

Phil RoublePhysical Resources

Winston Churchill said, “”We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give,” if Churchill were alive our Foundation believes that Churchill would agree with us when we say that Phil Rouble lives out this quotation.

For the past nine years, Phil has gone the extra mile to give so much while assisting the Foundation and the College to recognize donors and supporters through naming recognition.

Phil dedicated numerous hours to the development of the Naming of College Features policy and ensured that Guiding Principles were incorporated to provide consistent, equitable and naming opportunities to College supporters.

In addition, when the Foundation moved forward to develop protocols around the design and implementation of donor wall recognition, Phil dedicated his talents, time, energy and passion to the successful design of the College’s first four donor walls and signage recognition.

Phil’s meticulous attention to detail and his high standards of excellence were upheld while he maintained the heart of philanthropic naming and at the same time paralleled functional naming and meritorious naming – not an easy feat with so many audiences to please.

At the recent ACCE donor reception, so many compliments were given to the Foundation and we accepted them on behalf of the many people involved in the naming recognition process but in particular we accepted the accolades while thinking of Phil’s outstanding contributions.

The Foundation proudly nominates Phil Rouble to receive a President’s Star — Phil’s bright light shines through each of our donor walls and donor signage and due to his efforts this recognition will carry forward throughout the College for generations to come.

Nominated by: Brenda Rothwell
Presented on: April 22, 2013