Shawn Davies

Shawn DaviesConnections Store, Ancillary Services

Shawn Davies began working at Algonquin College in 1992 as a student employee. He has proven time and time again that he embodies the College’s core values.

A specific instance that Shawn should be recognized for is the amount of time, energy, and care he put into working on the Student Commons project. He seemed to be here every weekend, putting in long hours, to ensure that the renovated Campus Store, and the New Technology Store were perfectly tailored to support student success.

Shawn’s enthusiasm and determination is extremely apparent in his daily work. In meetings, he can always be heard repeating “It doesn’t matter what we want, it’s what the students want, and what is best for the College.”

Nominated by: Jeff Broughton
Presented on: March 21, 2013