Stewart Yemen

Stewart YemenAdvancement/Marketing

As a member of the Web Services team, Stewart already has a pretty busy day keeping track of all the various College sites and their peculiarities. But it was a recent effort in setting up, revising, fixing, tweaking, and – just when he thought it was all done – editing once more a very important College website that earns him a nod from us here in Public Relations, along with a shiny President’s Star Award!

New website launches can be a lot of fun, but not when you realize on the morning of that there’s a few things you could have done better. When I phoned Stewart on the morning of the launch day with a laundry list of changes, he leapt into action and flipped the site in no time at all – despite the other deadlines he had looming! Then, knowing how important this request was, he addressed our follow-up changes at the speed of light, made sure our every revision and alteration was completed, and reported back to us, in a matter of seconds. Even when we went back to him weeks later and said there were more changes, he kept on smiling and carried out our revisions quickly, courteously, and professionally.

If Stewart were just carrying out his day-to-day in an everyday manner, we’d say thanks and leave it at that. But Stewart has a true appreciation for the urgent business of PR and has accommodated us time and time again (the above just being the most recent and pertinent example) and for that, Stewart Yemen, we salute you!

Submitted by: Phil Gaudreau
Presented on: February 21, 2013