Wanda Grant

Wanda Grant

Financial Aid

As a staff member at the Perth Campus I require co-workers at the Ottawa Campus to assist me with certain duties. Wanda is my Financial Aid contact and SHE IS AMAZING. She frequently goes above and beyond for me; answering my questions when she should be leaving for her lunch or break, running between her space in the Registrar’s Office up to Financial Aid, answering my calls no matter how busy she is, taking on the tedious task of explaining systems to me over the phone!

The list could go on forever, but the sum of all the points is that she is an outstanding co-worker who does an amazing job.

Wanda is always cheerful and friendly, which makes a huge difference in my world when I am having a hectic day and I can’t get a hold of anyone else. After I talk to her not only is my problem solved, but I’m usually smiling! 

Wanda is very deserving of this award and I am so happy to have the chance to recognize her!  

Submitted by: Samantha Atkinson
Presented: November 10, 2010