What is Sexual Assault?

What is Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault is any type of unwanted sexual interaction. A sexual assault can range from unwanted touching to sexual penetration.

What is Sexual Violence?

Sexual violence is any act of violence (physical or psychological) carried out through sexual means or by targeting sexuality. Sexual violence may include the use of force, threats, or control. A victim of sexual violence may feel uncomfortable, distressed, frightened, or threatened.

What is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment is unwanted or offensive sexual behavior that creates a hostile or stressful living, learning, or working environment. Examples of sexual harassment include:

  • unwanted sexual advances
  • unwanted or uninvited touching
  • sexual retaliation or threats
  • sexual jokes or comments
  • sexual leering, whistling, or gestures
  • the displaying of sexually suggestive images.

Sexual harassment can be a single incident or an ongoing pattern of behaviour.