Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We’ve got answers!

Rainforest & Tropical Science General Elective Course, Algonquin CollegeHow many supervisors?

Generally, there is a ratio of 1 Algonquin College faculty member to 10 students, however, there are also a number of Costa Rican guides/hosts who accompany the group the entire time while in-country. The guides/hosts are members of our in-country service providers.

How many participants?

Due to increasing demand and the need to simulate a more ‘ecotour’ style course, the maximum number of participants for ENV0003 is no more than 30 students.

How long does it take to travel?Image result for costa rica

Shuttle time from Ottawa to Montreal airport is 3 hours. Flight time is 6 hours. Travel time in Costa Rica happens on a coach bus and varies from half-hour bouts to 3-hour drives in order to reach certain destinations. Highway and road infrastructure is much different in Costa Rica than in Canada and a short distance can take a while to complete.

What is the weather like in Costa Rica?

For the time of year that this trip departs, the weather can be rather hot and humid. Once a garment is wet, it is unlikely for it dry. Evenings in at the rainforest lodge tend to cool off a little.

What should I wear?

See “What to Bring” below.

What is the food like?

The food is great. Lots of fresh fruit (pineapple, watermelon, and cantaloupe). Main course meals are similar to what we might have, just add-on some rice and beans (gallo pinto) to every meal!

What about travel insurance?Rainforest & Tropical Science General Elective Course, Algonquin College

A premium travel insurance package is included in the course cost.

Who do I notify about personal medical issues/allergies, etc…?

Cam Dube, the course leader for ENV0003 must be notified immediately of all medical issues so that proper measures can be arranged before you leave and while in Costa Rica.

Do I need a passport?

Absolutely, no questions asked! It may take several weeks to process, so start working on it now! Check out the link to the Passport Canada office. You need to submit a copy of your valid passport when you complete your Marlin Travel application form.

What sort of I.D. should I bring?

As with most international travel, in addition to your Passport, it is a good idea to have some other forms of I.D. on person while travelling such as; a driver’s license and a student card. Be sure to have high quality, color photocopies of all I.D. with you. Also, leave a photocopy of all your ID with a family member in case you lose yours.

Do I need to speak Spanish?Rainforest & Tropical Science General Elective Course, Algonquin College

No, English is very prominent in Costa Rica however, being able to speak a few of the basics (hello, thank you, nice to meet you and my name is) can be very helpful and respectful.

Is it safe where we will be?

The regions where we will be travelling and places that we stay are historically, low-risk areas, and well-supervised.

Snake, costa Rica, Algonquin CollegeAre there any snakes?

You bet there are! There are also lots of interesting birds, insects, animals and amphibians in Costa Rica. Check out the photo gallery link to see what you might run into in the rainforest.


EASY…go to this page and see which group applies to you. Follow the few application steps given, then start packing for the experience of a lifetime!