
The Tip of the Iceberg: Exam Nerves and How to Beat Them

Student writing an exam.

Dear Patti,

I get very nervous when I write exams. My brain starts going a hundred miles a minute and I cannot focus or remember any of my notes. How can I stay calm?

As our emotional mind starts to “spin,” it can take over our logical mind and make it very difficult to think straight. At these times, using the technique of grounding can help you regulate your emotions. Grounding is a coping technique designed to immediately reconnect you with the present moment using your senses, which can help you focus your mind.

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You’ve Scored a Summer Job – Now What?

Coworkers shaking hands in an office setting.

With the end of the semester in sight, many of us will be starting a summer job. There’s so much emphasis placed on landing a job, like carefully crafting resumes and rehearsing interview answers, that we sometimes forget to think about what to do after we’ve received an offer!

Luckily, we sat down with the Employment Support Centre to get the scoop on what you need to know going into your first day of work (and beyond). Continue reading

5 Study Techniques to Combat Procrastination

We’re all guilty of procrastination – but sometimes it can be hard to pinpoint why we’re doing it. Procrastination is more than just avoiding something we don’t want to do, “it also has to include an aspect that’s counterproductive, irrational or unnecessary,” says David Ballard, head of the American Psychological Association’s Center for Organizational Excellence. Procrastination can happen when we feel overwhelmed, distracted, or simply hit a wall. Whatever your reason is, we’ve got some interesting study techniques that will have you crossing things off your “to-do” list in no time.

1. The Pomodoro Timer

Pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method designed by Francesco Cirillo. It breaks down a task into a series of intervals, with short breaks in between. Continue reading

#ACGlobalProjects Recap: Guatemala

View of GuatemalaA stunning sunlit view stretched out in front of our #ACGlobalProjects team as they ascended 3,600 metres above sea level into the highlands of Todos Santos. Over the course of the week, our team would help transform that sunlight into solar power, bringing electricity to the local elementary school, community kitchen, and community centre.

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The Tip of the Iceberg: 3 Steps to Better ZZZs

sleeping cat

Dear Patti,

No matter what I do, I can’t fall asleep. Even when I go to bed early, I’m still tossing and turning at 1am. Help!

Sleep difficulties can strike at different stages: falling asleep, staying asleep and waking up. Trying to regulate your sleep is almost like a research project… you need to try changing different variables to see what is most effective for you. Here are some ideas to experiment with.

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#ACGlobalProjects Recap: Dominican Republic



Jump right in.
Communicate love.
Be flexible and creative.

These were a few of the values that our #ACGlobalProjects team embodied as they set off for the volunteer experience of a lifetime in the Dominican Republic this Reading Week. Our volunteers joined the Algonquin Students’ Association and Outreach360 in Monte Cristi, a scenic fishing town home to a vibrant community. Continue reading

Student Volunteer Awards

A student who creates change.
A volunteer who always goes above and beyond.
A leader who inspires those around them.

Does this sound like you or someone you know? If so, nominate yourself or a fellow student for one of our Student Volunteer Awards! These annual awards celebrate students in the AC Hub volunteer network who create change on campus or in their community.

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The Tip of the Iceberg: Getting Started with Self-Compassion

hands making a heart shapeValentine’s Day is a great opportunity to show you care for that special someone – yourself! Loving yourself goes hand-in-hand with self-compassion – the practice of turning inward, accepting yourself, and honouring who and where you are in this moment.

Self-compassion means understanding that you are good enough as you are, not just because you have a particular trait or possession. It means treating yourself with kindness, particularly your mistakes or what you consider shortcomings.

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