MODULE THREE: Competency Based Evaluations

OVERVIEW: Preceptor Education >> Module Three >> Competency-based Evaluations

Competency based assessment is the process of collecting evidence and establishing conclusions on the character and scope of the learner’s progress toward professional standards. Competence goes beyond mere mastery of information but is an expectation to skilfully organize factual knowledge within the framework comprised of communications skills, clinical reasoning, professional ethics, social engagement, interpersonal conduct, and cross-cultural awareness.

Assessments are on the actual skill and knowledge the learner can demonstrate in the clinical setting and general features include:

  • Criterion based – on standards of practice.
  • Evidence based – accumulation of informal verbal/written assessment/feedback, assignments, log, critique and self-assessments.
  • Participatory based – learner is involved in the process and consults with the assessor.

Competency based evaluation may include a range of assessment tools and activities, such as feedback, competency sampling, observation, 360 review, presentations and papers. No matter what method or tool utilized, four paramount features must be incorporated. These are validity, reliability, fairness, and flexibility.

  • Informal
  • Formal
  • Formative
  • Summative
Competency Sampling
  • Sample of work for assessment
  • Follows learning period/schedule
  • Reflects competency in practice
  • Permits the inclusion of patient feedback (as in patient management assessment)
  • Clearly identify which units will be utilized in the assessment (upper extremity, chest etc)
  • Focused on behavioural markers. What are you looking for? How will you know when you see it?
  • Conduct the observation personally and /or utilize the observations of colleagues that have had training. Reliability of rating from colleague to colleague must be consistent and acceptable.
360° Review
  • Multiple informants
  • Evaluation from the perspectives of the clinical educator, mentor, team members, other students, administrators and from the learner themselves.
  • Best method as a survey format via anonymous respondents.
Presentations & Papers
  • Some student benefit from the opportunity to present at a lunch & learn, rounds etc.
  • Encourage students to include their own experiences from the viewpoint of a clinical student.
  • Ensure relevancy
  • Topics may be specific to pathology, adverse events, or case reviews.


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