Opportunities for Students


We need volunteers to help “on the ground” throughout the day… check with your program to see if your participation as a volunteer qualifies for co-curricular hours. Generally, this event is approved for co-curricular hour credit.

Meet Potential Employers!

Visit the Trade Show and meet representatives of leading cybersecurity businesses: bring your résumé, pick up some swag and make some key contacts.

Go to Work for a Day!

Participating vendors and sponsors are sponsoring students interested in careers in cybersecurity. They will bring you in to their businesses for one full day to give you a behind-the-scenes look at what they do and how they do it! If you are interested in a match-up, contact Craig Delmage at delmagc@algonquincollege.com

Be Eligible to win Cool Prizes and Give-Aways!

Participating vendors and sponsors have contributed high tech equipment, gadgets and gift cards to be given in draws throughout the day. Be there with your ticket and good luck charm! See the full list below…