Message from the President – June 17

Dear Colleagues and Learners,

I hope that you are all enjoying the warmer weather this week — a confirmation that summer is officially arriving on Saturday and, with it, some positive news and events around our College.

Last week, the Ontario government announced that we could resume in-person education on a limited basis, starting in July. This is most welcome news as it will allow us to help our learners in programs that support essential front-line, high labour-market demand areas. We are working with our government partners and following public-health guidelines in order to successfully open our doors again and we are very excited to welcome learners and faculty in Massage Therapy, Cardiovascular Technology, Diagnostic Cardiac Sonography, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Welding and Fabrication Technician, Automotive Service Technician and Forestry back to our campuses. Not only will these programs produce graduates trained in critical areas, but they will also help us lay the groundwork for the return of more programs in the future.

We also have two events coming up for our College community that will help us celebrate the arrival of a new season and new beginnings. The Summer Market will bring everyone together, virtually, in a fun and relaxed environment on Tuesday, June 30. Featuring our own faculty, staff, and friends of the College, this is a chance to support each other and our local community. There will be live music with country star Jason Blaine (an AC alumnus!), and many opportunities to connect and learn, whether you want to start your own herb garden, learn how to make a gourmet burger or ice cream, take a Zumba class or learn about wakeboarding, find out what’s going on in Ottawa this summer, or stroll through our virtual farmers’ market. I encourage everyone to join us for this unique event — you can find more information here.

This Sunday will also be the summer solstice and we are making plans to mark this day, as well as National Indigenous Peoples Day and National Indigenous History Month, by exploring Indigenous culture. This is an opportunity for all of us to learn how Indigenous peoples celebrate this time, when days are longer and we are finally able to re-establish our connection to the earth and the natural world. On Friday, learners and employees are invited to enjoy tea and words of wisdom from Elder Barbara Dumont-Hill, a First-Nation Algonquin grandmother from the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Reserve. She has served as an Elder for Algonquin College and the Mamidosewin Centre and will be sharing some thoughts about the solstice — everyone is welcome to join in and bring a cup of their favourite tea. You can find the Zoom meeting info here. Although the solstice takes place this weekend, we also plan to honour it with a second ceremony at a later date so that everyone can enjoy Father’s Day weekend with their families. We will share more details about this soon.

I want to wish everyone a very happy Father’s Day as you celebrate and enjoy the beautiful weather that is in the forecast. Stay well and healthy, everyone.


Claude Brulé

President and CEO


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