Message from the President – June 30

Covid 19 graphicDear Colleagues and Learners,

I would like to keep this week’s communiqué brief but there are a few things that I would like to mention before we break for Canada Day.

Last week, the Ontario government extended the Declaration of Emergency until July 15, 2020. This was done to provide us all with more time to safely continue the reopening of our province while also supporting our health-care sector. As an institution that produces graduates in many health-care and allied-health fields, we support the extra care that our government partners are taking to ensure everyone’s safety.

With safety guiding the gradual reopening of our College, we are pleased to welcome a small number of students back to our Ottawa and Pembroke campuses in just a few days. I want to welcome these students and our employees — I wish you all a successful return to the lab, shop, or, in the case of Pembroke, the beautiful forests of the Ottawa Valley. You are paving the way for the eventual return of all our learners.

We also have news to share from the Registrar’s Office regarding student fees. The 2020-2021 Compulsory Ancillary Fees will be reduced by $28.05. This reflects changes to the Algonquin College Students’ Association varsity services and the cancellation of on-site campus activities. This is actively being updated in the system to automatically adjust student accounts — no action on the part of the student is required. There will also be flexibility for learners to opt-out of the OC Transpo UPass in the fall; for those who choose to opt out, this would result in savings of $218.03 for the semester.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy Canada Day. While this will undoubtedly be a much quieter celebration for most of us, I think that we all recognize how truly fortunate we are to live here. I wish you all a wonderful holiday!

Stay well and healthy, everyone.


Claude Brulé

President and CEO


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