Message from the President – November 06

Dear Colleagues and Learners:

As we enter the second half of the Fall term, we must continue to make health and safety our primary concern – especially as local restrictions change based on developments in our campuses communities.

I also want to acknowledge the many sacrifices being made by employees and students in order to maintain our vigilance and adhere to public health recommendations. There are many people whom we’ve asked to continue to work and study remotely. I appreciate their frustrations and the desire to return to some kind of normalcy; we all look forward to a day when onsite College activities can return to their former bustle and vibrancy.

Meanwhile, Health officials have been clear about the risks associated with large indoor gatherings and the danger of potential super spreader events, particularly as colder weather is upon us and more gatherings are taking place indoors. Ottawa Public Health recently demonstrated how a single infection at a sports activity resulted in at least 80 additional infections and self-isolation for 170 people.

To that end, the College’s Remembrance Day activities this year will be virtual on all campuses. Algonquin College has purchased four wreaths to be laid at the Remembrance Day Ceremony at the National War Memorial to symbolize those normally dedicated at our traditional Ottawa on-campus event: one each for College employees, family and friends, and Algonquin Students – and one honouring Aboriginal Veterans, their families, and their communities.

On Tuesday, the Province of Ontario announced the introduction of a new tiered re-opening framework for regional implementation. Based on the proposed changes, previously introduced restrictions that have affected the Ottawa Campus since October 10, 2020 will be lifted. Effective at 12:01 a.m. on Saturday, November 7, the Fitness Zone, the Algonquin Commons Theatre and food operations on campus can resume operation – with necessary health and safety precautions in place. Details of the province’s new system to guide local COVID-19 restrictions can be found here.

Under the new framework, the College will continue to consult with the public health units for our campuses to determine any impact on our operations.

In addition, the City of Ottawa recently extended its mandatory mask bylaw to 2021. Mask use, of course, continues to be mandatory indoors on all our campuses (the policy can be found here).

These announcements serve to remind us that the COVID-19 risks to the broader community and our Algonquin community are still very real. While the College continues to operate as safely as possible, changes such as these cause us to reflect on the importance of ensuring that our own personal efforts and precautions remain central to helping prevent this spread of this virus. As the pandemic continues, it is important to stay diligent and resist the opportunity for complacency to set-in.

Please continue to follow all of the public health guidance and the College health & safety procedures surrounding infection prevention and control. For those required to attend our campuses, please review these details on our new COVID-19 self-screening app (self-screening proof either via the app or via a paper process at the door will be required at entrances as of Monday, November 9). For our complete Campus Access site, which includes sections with specialized information for employees and students, visit here.

Finally, I want to express my thanks to all of you for the perseverance, kindness and professionalism you continue to display during these challenging times.

Stay well everyone,

Claude Brulé

President, CEO

Algonquin College




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