A Message from the President’s Office – April 27, 2022

Dear Colleagues and Learners,

Due to the anticipated ‘Rolling Thunder’ event expected in downtown Ottawa from Friday, April 29 to Saturday, April 30, the City of Ottawa has implemented a number of protocols that will impact traffic and OC Transpo routes. You can find the information and updates at this link.

To our employees and learners who will be affected by this event, please be advised we are monitoring this ongoing situation and will be sure to communicate any additional updates.

To learners with a placement or co-op in the downtown area who are having difficulty with transportation to the placement site/workplace, you are not required to attend during the course of this event. Any missed placement or co-op for the duration of the protest will not need to be made-up in future. Please contact both your placement host/co-op employer and your College contact to let them know if you are unable to attend.

Consideration will also be given to those employees who live downtown and may be affected by transportation issues in getting to the Ottawa campus. If you feel this will impact you, please reach out to your direct supervisor to inform and discuss.

Employees at our Corporate Training centre at 700 Sussex are being asked to work at home on Friday April 29th, or to contact their supervisor if they feel it is imperative that they work onsite.

I encourage everyone to stay safe.

Duane McNair
Acting on behalf of President Brulé


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