RCLS Violations: The Points System

The point system is designed to help define the seriousness of specific behaviours and to track the frequency and severity of a student’s RCLS violations. All violations are associated with points ranging from a value of 1 through 9. All violations have a minimum value of one point. The assigned number of points will depend upon the type of incident and/or its severity. In complex situations where multiple violations occur in the same incident, points will typically be assigned based on the most serious single violation of the RCLS.

Points remain on record until August 15 of each year, or as stipulated upon eviction. After a Resident has been found responsible for a violation, the Resident may be responsible for educational, restorative, or punitive sanctions. Points are assigned for each incident based on the table below. Points are used in determining the sanctions appropriate for a resident, given their cumulative conduct record, as outlined in the “Sanctions” section below. During sanctioning, decision makers consider a resident’s total points, including those assigned for the current violation.

Tier Points Accumulated Typical Sanction Examples


1 – 3

Warning, Community Service, Educational, Fine, Loss of Privileges, Restitution


4 – 8

All Tier I Sanctions, Communication Ban, Transfer/Relocation, Behavioural Contract, Residence Probation



9 +

All Tier I, and II Sanctions, Eviction, Recommendation of Charges of non-Academic Misconduct


More Information:


Violations & Sanctions Overview
