Personal & Property Protection Information

Personal Safety

Remember the three most important elements of personal safety:

      • STAY ALERT

Emergency telephones are located at most building stairwells, entrances elevators as well as in the parking lots. Signs are posted to indicate their location in parking lots. Emergency phones are yellow or red and are either a handset or a square box with a button. To place an emergency call simply pick up the handset or push the button.

Immediately report an incident to Security Services by calling 5000 or visiting the Security Office at A149.

Walk Safe Service is available at the Ottawa Campus.

Review the Workplace Violence Prevention and Response Model as a quick reference for the College prevention practices and appropriate responses to workplace violence.


Property Protection

Being vigilant and responsible in taking measures to protect your personal belongings is the best step to not becoming a target.

Keys to prevention:

  • Increased awareness of your surroundings
  • Certain items of value are highly attractive targets for theft such as laptops, cell phones, digital cameras, tablets, etc. Never leave the device out of your sight or control
  • Keep cell phones in your pocket or a bag when not in use
  • Bags should not be left unattended at any time.
  • Take extra precautions to protect your property in locker rooms and publicly accessible locations.