Safer Cocaine Use

Reduce your risks of experiencing problems during and after using cocaine.


Cocaine is a mind-altering drug that causes positive feelings. Due to the potential addictive nature of cocaine and its cost, it’s important to know there are some tips to consider while using cocaine to help reduce your risk of harms and bad experiences.

Before you Start

  • Be clear about why you want to use
    Is it going to help you in some way or make things worse? It’s important not to use cocaine as a way of avoiding or coping with problems.
  • Know your dealer
    Only buy when you trust the supplier. Cocaine can be cut with other substances, such as fentanyl, to cut down on production costs. It’s best to choose someone you feel safe with and who knows about the drugs they sell.
  • Plan a safer environment
    Before using, plan to be at a safer place for the duration of your high. Plan to have a sober ride home and make sure to buddy with a friend who doesn’t plan on using. This can increase safety and support during your high.
  • Know the signs of overdose
    An overdose may look different from one person to the next and depending on the drugs involved. An overdose is a medical emergency and the first step is always to call 911.
  • Have a Naloxone Kit
    Sometimes cocaine can also have fentanyl in it. 

When You’re Using Cocaine

  • Stay hydrated and take multiple breaks.
  • Bring your own equipment, such as a straw or post-it note. This will help limit the spread of infection.
  • Finely grind cocaine to avoid damage to your nasal passage.

Things to Consider

  • Be prepared
    If you’re planning on snorting, have a clean straw to use and don’t share with others. Being able to snort lukewarm water between bumps could also decrease the risk of nosebleeds.
  • Be aware of your health
    If you have a known heart condition or family history of heart conditions, you should be aware that cocaine could increase the risk of heart attacks. Symptoms of mental illnesses, including depression, can increase when under the influence.
  • Buy less so you do less
    If you’re a first time user, only take a quarter of the amount suggested. Test how you react to the drug by using a smaller dose. Since everyone’s body tolerates drugs differently, it’s important to test how your body handles its effects.

Things to Avoid

  • Combination drug use
    The effects of cocaine can be toxic if mixed with other substances.
  • Being alone while using
    Always have someone with you while you plan to use, in case of an emergency.

Bad Experience?

  • Remove yourself or the person you know from a setting that may encourage further drug use.
  • Have a buddy.
  • If someone overdoses, call 911.
  • Roll the person on their side (to avoid choking if they vomit).
  • Stay with the person until help arrives.

Download the Safer Cocaine Use Brochure