Mind Your Mental Health.

Take notice to how you are feeling before, during, or after using alcohol or other drugs.

Before – If you drink or drug to get rid of feelings of anxiety, depression, sadness, anger there is a risk that the drunk/high will increase these feelings OR you will get temporary relief and that could lead to using every time you feel that way (more using=more opportunity for the brain to change permanently). Have lots of different alcohol and drug-free ways to manage uncomfortable emotions like going for a run, talking to a friend, binge watching Netflix.

During – Be aware that feelings of paranoia, anxiety, extreme sadness can occur. Being with friendly people in familiar places can be helpful if you start feeling this way. Drugs that can also cause unexpected psychosis include marijuana, cocaine, LSD, amphetamines and MDMA/molly. Drug induced psychosis usually goes away as the drug wears off but it is possible that it can trigger a longer lasting illness. If this occurs at any point, get to an emergency room.

After – You may find that after drinking or drugging you feel worse. This is called the rebound affect. What goes up must come down. Drink lots of water to re-hydrate and flush out the toxins. Only time will put your system back online (no amount of coffee or showers will sober you up). Try to use/drink less, less often. If you find that this is difficult to do, connect with Counselling Services or other community resources.

Mental Health

*Psychosis is a state where you can no longer tell what reality is. You may believe that your partner is cheating on you, that you are part of a CIA mission, or that your best friend is alien trying to pry life secrets from you. Sound ridiculous? Because you don’t know what is real and what is not, you are likely to act like they are true which can put yourself and others in harm. If you are concerned that you, or someone you know may be experiencing symptoms of psychosis, contact a health professional.