
September Healthy Living Newsletter!

Click here for the latest Healthy Living newsletter from LifeWorks, our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider. This monthly newsletter is designed to offer you insight into how you can proactively build the life you want and effectively resolve challenging personal or work-related situations.

Promoting good mental and physical health in the workplace

For many of us, our working day is spent in an office where we sit at a desk, staring at a computer screen and not moving for long stretches of time. European researchers found that people who work 10 hours or more every day have a 60 percent greater risk of cardiovascular problems, including heart attacks and angina. We then get on the bus or into our cars and sit through the commute home. Then, after preparing dinner, we usually spend the evening sitting in front of a TV or another computer screen. This sedentary lifestyle is wreaking havoc with our physical and mental health.


Becoming more productive: setting clear goals and objectives

Productivity is the basic measure of effectiveness, and one of the basic building blocks to successful job performance. Productivity in the workplace can be defined as efficiently completing the tasks set forth. Dedicated employees strive to develop their skills and improve their performance. This begins with setting realistic goals and clearly defined objectives.

NEW-Psychological Health & Safety Taskforce

The Psychological Health & Safety (PHS) Taskforce exists to advise and assist in the identification, development and implementation of mechanisms to ensure the protection of psychological safety and the promotion of psychological health for all Algonquin College Staff.

For more information on the PHS Taskforce, click here.

NEW-EAP-Spring into Spring!

With warmer and longer days approaching, what new leaf will you turn over? Healthier eating, getting active or focusing on your mental health?

Let your Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) help you make positive changes this season.

Read more here.

NEW – EAP – Conquer the Cold

With the temperature quickly dropping, many of us would like nothing more than to curl up under the covers and stay there. Why not embrace the changing season and explore all that it has to offer?

Click here to find out more.

EAP – Am I becoming my parents?

Even if we have wonderful relationships with our parents, the thought of turning into them can strike fear in our hearts. But the older we get, the more we catch ourselves saying and doing things our parents said and did.

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