What are the Benefits of Creating & Sustaining a “Culture of Learning?”

Did you know that when you deliberately engage employees through learning, they’re 48% more likely to find purpose in their work?

Discover why a culture of learning is beneficial to organizations big and small, how to gain buy-in from the top down, how to embed learning into the flow of work, and how to keep current with learning trends. Watch this 1:16 introductory video clip with instructors and Learning and development professionals, Naphtali Bryant and Jason Mulero. They will explore how workforce trends affect learning; define a growth environment and how to take steps to create one. Additionally, they will discuss the concept of embedded learning to help you address some challenges, and identify metrics that show the impact of your initiatives.

Want to learn more? This video was just a small portion of the LinkedIn Learning course, Creating a Culture of Learning (36 min).

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.


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