Speak Up!: Terminology and Basic Navigation, June 24, 2021

Jun 24, 2021

The 3rd virtual R3 Project Speak Up introduced three new terms related to the Unit4 Student Information System.

Micheline Kraska told the 144 College employees attending the event that implementing the Unit4 Student Information System means they will need to learn new terms and new ways of thinking about their work.

Micheline explained “Community,” “Student Goal,” and “Student Academic Record” (see sidebar and presentation).

Like learning a new language

It’s like learning a new language, she said, adding that the terminology is quite intuitive. The Academic Development Curriculum Administrator since 2016, Micheline has participated in Unit4 Familiarize phase discovery workshops.

“We’ll really need to be open to rethinking some of our existing acronyms and terminology in order to consider the bigger picture of the relationships defined by the Unit4 Student Information System,” she said.

Much of her work focuses on helping translate GeneSIS terminology and business rules for staff and faculty, which helps them understand how their curriculum work is translated and represented in GeneSIS. This ultimately facilitates important activities, like course section creation and loading, student registration and timetables, and more, she said.

“I’m really excited about the way that the new Unit4 Student Information System defines and structures terminology and relationships,” she said.

“I honestly think that this will really help make the technical side of our Academic processes, which only a small portion of the College community can really claim to be experts on, much more accessible and straightforward to all of our learners and employees.”

​​​​​​​(Micheline begins her presentation at 8 minutes 43 seconds in the recording.)

Student Academic Record demonstration

Micheline introduced the term Student Academic Record – known as SAR, and not to be confused with the GeneSIS term SAR – and Bryan Eburne, R3 Implementation and Business Transformation Manager, presented a Student Academic Record during his hands-on demonstration. Bryan’s demonstration shows how to Navigate the new Student Information System from Unit4.​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​The event also included a question-and-answer period and a short project update.

Access the Showcase slides here.

Access the Showcase demo here.

Access the Showcase Q&A here.