How is Course Registration changing? Watch the May 2024 R3 Showcase to find out!

May’s Showcase event was hosted by Laura Stanbra, Vice President of Student Services and R3 Project’s Executive Sponsor, who welcomed more than 260 participants.

Lauren Draper, Project Manager, Business Transformation, discussed how consultations with Deans, Academic Chairs, and Program Coordinators informed the new Course Registration process.

Haya Majbour, Business Analyst, defined some new Thesis SM terminology, compared the current state to the future state of Course Registration, and explained how the new Course Registration process will relieve administrative pressure for employees and increase flexibility for learners.

Sharon Rendle, Business Systems Analyst, conducted a live demo to show how learners will register for courses in the Thesis Student Portal.

We then hosted a Q&A session, where we delved deeper into how Course Registration will affect the College community.

Elizabeth Holmes, Change Management Officer, closed the event by facilitating an interactive quiz surrounding the topics discussed during this event.

We want to thank everyone who organized, attended, and participated in this Showcase.

Stay tuned for more R3 Project updates as we continue to work towards building a better information system for our learners and employees!

Watch the Showcase:

Watch Each Section:

0:00 – 4:04 Introductory remarks – Laura Stanbra
4:04 – 9:21 Summary of the academic consultations about the new student Course Registration – Lauren Draper
9:21 – 12:06 Definition of the new terms in Thesis SM – Haya Majbour
12:06 – 18:47 Comparison between current and future states of Course Registration –Haya Majbour
18:47 – 26:48 Live demo: Student Course Registration in the Thesis Student Portal –Sharon Rendle
26:48 Live Q&A – Laura Stanbra

Watch the Live Demo:

Access the May 16, 2024 Showcase Event Slides.


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