Things that Actually Matter

What you think mattersMeasured by almost any metrics (and we measure a lot) 2013 has been a banner year for the Health and Wellness Research Centre. But what is not captured in our metrics is perhaps the most important, and that is nuance. Nuance is described by the Oxford dictionary as a “shade of meaning” and there is an awful lot of that in what we do. While I can report on how many talented students and excellent faculty worked on how many amazing applied research projects with how many exceptional clients, what I can’t report on is how we change the trajectory of lives, our own, our students, our clients, everyone’s really. But then again maybe I can try.

There is this one client who is truly an amazing person, he is faced with adversity that most of us could never even comprehend, yet he is launching a company to help others. He keeps thanking me for taking on his project, but it is I who should thank him for teaching me to value the simple things in life, things we all take for granted.

We had this student team who took a straightforward project class and instead of trying to just get it over with, turned it into something that still brings a smile to my face and is both meaningful and a positive force for our college community. Along the way I saw them change from individuals to citizens of humanity.

I connected to a stranger who did me a favor, actually a couple. Their role as a positive force for a local company and willingness to grant my request, allowed me to open the eyes of some special students to great possibilities.

I saw hidden skills emerge in students, clients achieve success, and amazing colleagues who give back to students and the community again and again. I had some amazing folks in the community both help me and bring me new opportunities, I even danced with Hélène Campbell (wow), and oh yeah, along the way we help build and advance some incredible innovative medical projects and technology. Like I said, it really has been a banner year for the Health and Wellness Research Centre.

So a huge thank you to all who make this possible you know who you are.


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