To combat anti-vaxxer myths, teach children – Not parents – To be immunity warriors.

Armed white blood cells firing antibody missiles at alien invaders cartoonArmed white blood cells firing antibody missiles at alien invaders (influenza virus) in Immunity Warriors: Invasion of the Alien Zombies, developed by students at Algonquin College and The Ottawa Hospital mHealth Research Team.

Immunity Warriors: Invasion of the Alien Zombies, a digital motion comic book used to teach children about their immune system, is the focus of new column in the Globe and Mail this week. The project was the result of an award-winning collaboration between The Ottawa Hospital and Algonquin College. The Globe column was written by Dr. Kumanan Wilson, who leads the Ottawa Hospital’s mHealth Lab, located at The Ottawa Hospital at Algonquin College in Algonquin’s F building.

Globe and Mail headline: To combat anti-vaxxer myths, teach children – not parents – to be immunity warriors.


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