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Fit + Healthy 365 Wellness Tracker

Fit + Healthy 365

Client Lydia Di Francesco
Professor(s) Reginald Dyer,
Program Computer Programmer
Students Team lead: Kailie Gilbert
Team members: Adam O’Brien, Nathan Cartier, Bandanjit Singh

Project Description:

Background: our client was originally using a paper version of these challenges. She wanted to turn it into an actual web application where users could easily sign in and input their data for that day for each challenge.

Solving the Problem
Our problem to solve was “automate her current paper system”. This took multiple meetings with the client to understand exactly what she wanted. Once we had a good idea of what she wanted the application to look like we began coding.

Lessons Learned
Along the way we learned a lot about group work and how to deal with problems.

How the Application Works
Step 1: Create an account. When you are creating an account you enter your name, your email, phone number and password, you also select from a drop down what workplace you are in.
Step 2: Login. Users enter their email and password.
Step 3: Challenge page. Once a user has logged in they land on the challenge page where they can either click on add challenge or select a challenge they are already enrolled in.
Step 4: Add challenge. a user can add any number of challenges that are already created. Users also have the ability to create a habit/personal challenge.
Step 5: Tracking page. Once a user has selected a challenge they can now see a calendar where they can select any day and log data for that day.
Step 6: Leaderboard. Users can see the top 5 other members enrolled in their challenge and how they are doing.
Step 7: Admin page. In the admin page the client can edit, update, and delete user information, challenges, workplaces.

Short Description:

The Fit + Healthy 365 Wellness Tracker allows users to compete via a leader board for first place in the challenge assigned to their workplace. These users may also add or create their own challenges to keep track of.

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Fit + Healthy 365 Fit + Healthy 365
Fit + Healthy 365 Challenges Fit + Healthy 365 Challenge
Fit + Healthy 365 Leader Board Fit + Healthy 365 Admin

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