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Caremada Recommender System

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Client Suki Lee
Professor(s) Howard Rosenblum, Laura McHugh
Program Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science
Students Matthew Plourde,
Elicius Feijo Cordeiro

Project Description:

Caremada, an Ottawa-based company whose goal is to provide a user-friendly application that aims to establish connections between local caregivers and clients that require their services. Suki Lee, the leader of Caremada has tasked our team with the development of a recommender system to help caregivers decide on which jobs are best suited for them.

Our method of implementing a recommender system consists of several steps. First, data must be imported with the id of the caregiver, the user id, the users rating, and the username of the client that they rated. Then we preprocess this data to convert it into something the recommender can use, Next we create a model to represent the structure of the system. And train the model with a substantial amount of the converted data using the rest for validation. After the training and validation are complete the recommender system is finally ready to generate recommendations. When a caregiver is then passed into the recommender system it generates a list of the most recommended clients for that caregiver to choose from.

Short Description:

A Recommendation System for Caremada was developed to provide Caregivers with recommendations on the best job suited for them.

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