Sandy Hill Community Health Centre Catch-Up Immunization Clinic for Shingrix and Pneumovax 23 for Older Adults

Our project took place at Sandy Hill Community Health Centre from September 12, 2023, to December 5, 2023. We were tasked with planning and implementing a catch-up immunization program for adults aged 65 and older who had missed their Shingrix and Pneumovax 23 vaccinations. Decreased vaccine uptake became more significant in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is worrisome as older adults are at increased risk of pneumonia and shingles. Our responsibilities included:

  • Researching the diseases (Shingles and Pneumococcal infections) and their impact on health.
  • Gaining a thorough understanding of the vaccines (Shingrix and Pneumococcal 23).
  • Addressing vaccine hesitancy.
  • Collecting patient data for individuals aged 65 and older who hadn’t received these vaccinations.
  • Conducting phone outreach to book vaccination appointments.
  • Administering vaccines to clients.

This project aimed to increase immunization rates among this age group, reduce the risk of vaccine-preventable diseases, and contribute to the overall health and well-being of our clients and the community.


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