Success Stories

CBC Interview – Rainy Daze Harm Reduction App

Rainy Daze is a harm reduction app intended to inform the user about harm reduction and harm reduction techniques. The app features a series of mini games built around specific harm reduction concepts. The game is targeted directly to the College student demographic and addresses specific situational awareness and provides the user non-judgmental feedback and positive reinforcement of established harm reduction approaches.

CBC recently highlighted the application in an interview. Listen to it here

Try the Game for yourself on the Umbrella project website – Play Rainy Daze


Ottawa Business Journal Highlights Algonquin Applied Research Day

Algonquin’s Applied Research Day a ‘win-win’ for Students, Industry

For Algonquin College students, applied research means solving real-world problems for actual businesses. That research – and its diversity – was on display at the school’s Applied Research Day on Aug. 19.

“We emphasize developing soft skills, understanding the expectations of a professional environment and since we do serve a lot of small startup-size companies, often there’s opportunities to continue on with the companies or, if they do a particularly good job, to get recognition.”

Read the full article and interview with Alex Yang.

Ottawa Business Journal logo

Success Story: “A Brief History of Dogs” Video

Check out this amazing video created by Interactive Media Design students for their Project Development course. This course allowed students to work with real clients, such as Carrot Explains. This project won first place at Applied Research Day in December 2015, capturing the hearts of many visitors and judges.

Airplane paint-stripping project lands students jobs

DSC_0038In the recent Applied Research Day, three mechanical engineering technology students showcased their airplane paint-stripping project. While most students are given a list of projects to choose from or assigned to projects, these students found and chose their own project. Along with dedication & hard work, their unique experience helped all three students to land jobs in their field right after graduation.

To read more, check out the original article.


Tech to Help Seniors

Arvindkumar Chavda, a second-year robotics student, holds an alarm that will call for help when a senior falls. His research team created the system for Ottawa start-up Zamani Wireless Solutions.

The smartphone-sized circuit board doesn’t look like much, but one day it could help fallen seniors get back on their feet. Since November a team of international students has been building the alarm portion for a new fall-detection system for seniors created by Ottawa start-up Zamani Wireless Systems. “This project can actually save your life,” said Arvindkumar Chavda, a second-year electro-mechanical engineering technician-robotics student.
Read the full article.


Bright Smiles, Bright Futures

Polytechnics winAlgonquin Student Project Takes Top Award at Polytechnics Canada 2013 Student Applied Research Showcase

“Algonquin College is extremely proud of the entire Applied Research team and would like to congratulate them on this great result,” says Dr. Kent MacDonald, President, Algonquin College.

Read the article here.