
Algonquin College: 1990s

Two words characterize the 1990s at Algonquin College: consolidation and expansion. Consolidation involved relocating the delivery of services in the Ottawa area to the Woodroffe and Rideau campuses. Expansion was required to accommodate additional students and to house new programs. 1990 marked the beginning of Algonquin as an English college with the creation of La Cité Collegiale. Continue reading

Algonquin College: 1980s

By 1981, student and apprentice day-time enrolment at Algonquin had already passed the 10,000 mark. In addition, continuing education was attracting tens-of-thousands of course registrations each year. Continue reading

Algonquin College: 1970s

In the 1970s, the word was out – Algonquin was a great choice for post-secondary education. So many students thought that way, that the first of several building booms was needed to accommodate the growing population. Construction continued on the Rideau Campus – providing additional classroom and office space as well as an expanded Resource Centre. The B Building on the Woodroffe Campus was completed adding 200,000 square feet. Continue reading