Wellness & Abilities

Derick Fage speaks at International Day of Persons with Disabilities event

On this International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Derick Fage joined the Algonquin College community to give a compelling and vulnerable talk about his experience living with an invisible disability.

Fage is the host and producer of Daytime Ottawa at Rogers TV and the President of the Canadian Continence Foundation — a cause he has championed since going public with his personal struggle of living with chronic fecal incontinence since birth. Fage’s candid conversation focused on what he’s coined “The Relentless Pursuit of Happiness”, an inspirational chat about how he overcame the mental health challenges, loneliness and shame he’s faced as a result of his disability.

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Algonquin College services for everyday student life

The fall semester is fast approaching — equal parts excitement and apprehension fill the air. To curb back-to-school woes, we’ve compiled a list of every day support services for new and returning students to ensure anxiousness doesn’t overtake the excitement of bounding back into campus life.

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Mental Health Week – listen to understand

As we wrap up Mental Health Week, we hope you have enjoyed reading the articles that have been available to you all week. Please visit www.mentalhealthweek.ca for more information. Our last post of the week, is an article about listening to understand. When friends or family members come to you to vent, what they may really want is empathy and not to be judged. This article will remind us about the importance of listening to understand and the important truths to keep in mind when we are working on being there for someone.
Listening to understand, not to judge – Canadian Mental Health Association (mentalhealthweek.ca)