
Get Cracking on the Perfect Omelette

First Annual Egg Farmers of Ontario Video ContestThe Omelette… seemingly simple to make yet difficult to master.

Did you know that omelette preparation is often one of the first culinary tests for potential new hires?

Making the perfect omelette is used to measure culinary skills because it requires a chef to pay attention to the finest of details. You need the right amount of heat, texture, time, and technique to perfect the finished dish, which should be slightly creamy, perfectly molded and glistening. An executive chef knows that if a cook or chef understands these basic components, they can continue to refine their techniques and skills to successfully create more complex dishes.

In our Culinary Management class, students practice their omelette-perfecting techniques using Ontario fresh eggs.

Get inspired to get cracking! Read more about the Egg Farmers of Ontario collaboration with Algonquin College.

Celebrating National Pet Week! Tips to keep your dogs and cats safe


Did you know that May 2-6 is National Pet Week? Our friends from Algonquin College’s veterinary programs provided us with a list of the most common poisons harmful to dogs and cats.

If you think your pet has ingested a toxin, please contact your veterinarian or an emergency clinic right away. Pet parents can also find more information at  https://www.petpoisonhelpline.com/ or https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control

Keep this list handy to keep your pet safe.