
Algonquin College: 1970s

In the 1970s, the word was out – Algonquin was a great choice for post-secondary education. So many students thought that way, that the first of several building booms was needed to accommodate the growing population. Construction continued on the Rideau Campus – providing additional classroom and office space as well as an expanded Resource Centre. The B Building on the Woodroffe Campus was completed adding 200,000 square feet. Continue reading

Algonquin College: 1960s

Algonquin College: 1960s

Growth in student enrolment soon necessitated an expansion in facilities, so in 1960, the Laurier Avenue Public School was acquired. In 1964, a new facility known as the Rideau Campus was acquired and welcomed more than 700 students that September. Continue reading

Legacy: The Name

Algonquin College is named after the First Nations Peoples who lived in the area.