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Mac Computers

Do you have a Mac and your program requires a Windows PC?

What does this mean for you? This means that your professors will be teaching in a Windows environment and you may have to install some software that requires Windows OS.

You have two options to choose from:

  1. Install Bootcamp (free)
    Bootcamp allows you to boot into Windows or Mac OS; you will only be able to run one operating system at a time. Learn more about Bootcamp.
  2. Install Parallels Desktop for Mac (free)
    Note: Only available to students studying in full-time programs AND have paid the full-time IT fee.

    The Parallels Desktop software is available for FREE via the Digital Resource Portal under the Software tab and “Parallels” sub-tab. Parallels allows you to run both Windows and Mac OS at the same time and provides a seamless environment to be able to experience Windows programs as if they were made for a Mac. Learn more about Parallels system.

Need help installing the software on your Mac?

Visit or contact the ITS Service Desk:

  • Location: Student Central in the lower level of C Building (Woodroffe Campus)
  • Hours: Mon – Fri (8:00am – 4:00pm)
  • Phone: 613-727-4723 Ext. 5555
  • 5555@algonquincollege.com