Pembroke Campus

Algonquin College maintains a variety of systems, measures and procedures intended to help ensure your safety on campus. These include:

  • 24 Hour Security Service
  • Extensive electronic security applications
  • Emergency phone system
  • Internal emergency phone number
  • Integrated “911” services
  • Emergency broadcast system
  • Policies and procedures for disaster response planning, fire safety, evacuation, bomb threats, critical violent acts, suspicious activity and a variety of other emergency circumstances that may affect the College.

Information related to these procedures is routinely distributed to staff and students through orientation programs, awareness materials and more comprehensive training efforts.

As in any community, it is important to understand that emergency preparedness starts with each and every individual. It is essential that every member of the College community take a few moments to think about your individual plans and how you might respond in any emergency. Please contribute to the overall safety of our community by being conscientious about your own individual plans.

The links on the left provide basic, general emergency procedures for each campus. These references will guide you through the basic steps to follow in the event of an emergency.

Emergency Preparedness PDF Document