Celebrating the 2023 AC Cooperative Education Awards of Excellence

The annual Algonquin College Cooperative Education Awards of Excellence celebrates students and employer partners who participate in work-integrated experiences and contribute to the College’s culture of excellence and innovation. Student recipients were acknowledged for their remarkable achievements and contributions during their work terms, while employers were recognized for providing students with high-quality work opportunities.

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Office Administration students partner with Canadian Blood Services

Algonquin College Level 4 students in the Office Administration – ExecutiveStudents in E Building at an information table raising awareness for Canadian Blood Services (OAE) program are raising awareness around saving lives with their capstone project.

Be a Hero – You’re Somebody’s Type is a student-led initiative partnering with Canadian Blood Services (CBS). This education and awareness campaign is designed to highlight the need for and importance of blood, plasma, stem cells and organ donation. Read more >

Pembroke Campus Grandfather drum gets a name

The Pembroke Campus celebrated the naming of its Grandfather drum whendrum circle in Pembroke Elder Barry Sarazin shared its name is Chijaack (pronounced Chee-Jack), a name that comes from the crane spirit. The drum is named after a Blue Heron.

Elder Sarazin told the audience of students and employees who gathered for the name revealing ceremony that “I had dreamed about a beautiful blue heron that flew down by the corner of the school,” when the name was presented to him by the spirit. Read more >