FindMe Print Instructions

On this page, you will learn how to set up FindMe Print from your Windows laptop. Before printing, be sure to check your available print balance and add AC Cash if needed.

When you print your document from your device the document is held in the Find-Me Print queue until you tap to release it on a printer. If you choose, you can log into your PaperCut account to see or cancel your print jobs in the print queue.

🔐 Please note: You must be connected to the AC Secure WIFI OR College LAN while on campus, or connected to the College VPN while at home in order to access your PaperCut account.

Step-by-Step Tutorials

How to set your colour and single- and double-sided preferences for FindMe Printers (persistent) How to set your colour and single- and double-sided preferences for FindMe Printers (one-time)


How to set your colour and single- and double-sided preferences for FindMe Printers (persistent)

How to select colour, black and white, and single-sided or double-sided options on FindMe printers (keeping these settings). If you are an AC student, before printing be sure to check the available print balance and add AC cash if needed.

  1. Choose the ‘Start’ menu.
  2. Choose ‘Control Panel’.
  3. Choose ‘Devices and Printers’.
  4. Right-click on the ‘WO_FindMe_Printer’.
  5. Choose ‘Printing preferences’.
  6. Under the ‘Select Color’ drop-down menu choose ‘Auto Color’ to print your document in colour or leave as ‘Gray Scale’ to print in black and white.
  7. Under the ‘Print Type’ drop-down menu choose ‘1-Sided’ to print single-sided or ‘2-Sided’ to print as double-sided.
  8. Choose ‘Apply’, then ‘OK’. These settings will be remembered the next time you print to the FindMe printer.

How to select one-time colour and single/double-sided options on FindMe printers

How to select colour, black and white, and single-sided or double-sided options on FindMe printers (one-time). If you are an AC student, before printing be sure to check the available print balance and add AC cash if needed.

  1. Choose ‘File’ then ‘Print’ from your application.
  2. Ensure the printer selected is ‘WO_FindMe_Printer’.
  3. Choose ‘Printer Properties’.
  4. Under the ‘Select Color’ drop-down menu choose ‘Auto Color’ to print your document in colour or leave as ‘Gray Scale’ to print in black and white.
  5. Under the ‘Print Type’ drop-down menu choose ‘1-Sided’ to print single-sided or ‘2-Sided’ to print as double-sided.
  6. Choose ‘OK’.
  7. Choose ‘Print’.