Facebook Products

Facebook Profile

Your Facebook Profile is your personal page where you share information about yourself. Some of the information that you can include on your profile are: Name, Work, Education, Relationship Status, Hometown, Family, Birthday, Political Views, Contact Information, Places You’ve Lived, Places You’ve Been, Photos, Videos and more.

On your profile, you have the opportunity to express your mood, your opinion, where you are, what you’re doing, how you feel, and so on. Think of your Facebook Profile as a party, a family gathering, a class reunion and an office water cooler all rolled into one. How much you chose to share on your profile is entirely up to you, but remember that like any relationship, the more you know someone the closer you feel to them.


Facebook Page

A Facebook Page is similar to a Facebook profile; however, they allow public figures, businesses, organizations, and other entities to create a public presence on Facebook. Pages are public to everyone on Facebook, and by liking these pages, you will receive Page updates in your News Feed.

Facebook Pages are great marketing tools and therefore it is imperative that brand messaging be clear.

The categories for pages are: local businesses, companies, organizations or institutions, brands or products, artists, bands or public figures, entertainment, and cause or community.

Note that your personal Facebook Profile is NOT visible to your Facebook Page audience, even if you are an administrator of a Page. In other words, people who Like your Facebook Page will NOT be able to see any personal information contained in your personal Facebook Profile.


Algonquin College Facebook Page

Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups are created to contact and connect with people with similar and/or specific interests, memberships or involvements. Anyone can start a Facebook Group. The administrator of the Group will determine if anyone can join, if people will need to be invited to join or if people can request to join pending the administrator’s approval.

Because Groups have different privacy levels, they can provide a closed environment for discussion, sharing of opinions and information. When you become a member of a group you will receive updates from the group in your News Feed. The administrator will determine the user’s ability to share, post and contribute to the Group.



Algonquin College Students’ Facebook Group

Feature Comparison

Facebook Profiles, Pages and Groups





Posts content as self

Posts content as brand

Can publish updates to timeline

Can send Facebook messages

Custom vanity URL

Fan/Friend Limit

√ (5000)

Analytics Tracking (Facebook Insights)

Can create and manage events

Privacy Management Options

Can invite Friends/Members/Page Likes

Mobile Compatible

Multiple Admins

Admin Permissions settings

Facebook Advertising

Ability to Chat