Looks like you emailed us from an external domain

Your message to brightspace@algonquncollege.com couldn't be delivered.

Office 365 message

If you visit this page, you most likely have received an automatic reply indicating that a custom mail flow rule has blocked your message. Keep on reading to understand why this is happening, and how to get in touch with the appropriate services at the College.

Why am I getting this message?

We have asked the Information Technology Services to block all emails sent to us when they are not sent from an @algonquincollege.com email address. The only emails that we accept moving forward will be from the algonquincollege.com domain.

Why is this happening?

It comes down to managing resources.

  • The Digital Learning Environment Team is a small (but mighty) team, and we have done everything we can to streamline our activities and processes to better serve our community.
  • The Digital Learning Environment Team receives an important number of SPAM emails daily. We have to do something to avoid getting all these SPAM emails, as each of them requires time to process and delete and that’s time that we are not able to spend helping our Instructors.
  • We are also receiving emails from users that are not part of the Algonquin College community, because when you Google “Brightspace Support” our DLE Team appears in the top results. Our job is not to support external users, and the time we spend figuring out that bumblebee1337@yahoo.com is not one of our instructors is time we don’t spend helping our instructors.
  • When bumblebee1337@yahoo.com is one of our instructors, we have to spend extra time linking the request to your college account, which takes time because Salesforce contains a lot of duplicate accounts.

After discussing the issue with our stakeholders, blocking emails from external domains was voted as the easiest solution to this issue, with no impact on our instructors.

How can I get the help I need?

Email us from your college email instead of using an external email like Gmail, Yahoo, etc.

But I can’t access my @algonquincollege.com email. What now?

If you can’t access your @algonquincollege.com email, you should email Information Technology Services through 5555@algonquincollege.com instead of brightspace@algonquincollege.com. If you do have an issue related to the LMS, the first step is to access your college email. Note that Information Technology Services will be able to relay your case to us if it’s urgent, but as long as you do not have access to your college email, you will not be able to reply directly to the DLE Team.

I don’t have an @algonquincollege.com email because:

I am a learner at Algonquin College

Learners at the college use @algonquinlive.com emails. Emails from this domain will not be blocked by the custom mail flow rule. However, learners should not contact us directly for Brightspace support.

  • For help with the course materials, contact your instructor.
  • For help with the LMS, learners have to contact 5555@algonquincollege.com. If ITS cannot solve the issue, your case will be escalated to the DLE Team.
  • Emails sent directly to us by learners are transferred to ITS. To avoid delays, email 5555@algonquincollege.com.

I am a Corporate Training learner or instructor

Corporate Training learners and Instructors receive help by calling Corporate Training by phone at 613-727-7729 or email via training@algonquincollege.com.

My situation is special and not covered here.

If you are in a situation that is not covered by the above information, feel free to contact me directly.

Michel Marcheterre
Digital Learning Environment Strategist