Assistive Technology Services

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What is Assistive Technology (AT)?

Assistive Technology is any tool that helps someone reduce a disability-related problem. This can be high or low tech, and can be software, hardware, or a service.

What types of services does the Assistive Technology Team offer?

The Assistive Technology Team offers:
• A quiet place to work
• Accessible workstations with computers
• Access to a printer and scanner
• Basic computer support
• An AT Loaning Library where you can try a variety of AT solutions to see if they work for you
• Accessible course material
• AT support and advice

What is the role of an Assistive Technologist (AT)?

We help you explore assistive technology solutions that may reduce or remove disability-related barriers you are experiencing at Algonquin College.

What types of tools does an AT Team support?

We support tools for accessibility, note taking, reading, writing, time management, organization, access to course content and in classroom environments. 

How do I book an appointment with someone on the AT Team?

You can book an appointment with someone on the AT Team by contacting the Welcome Centre! You can reach them by calling 613-727-4723 ext.7200 or emailing

What is the Assistive Technology Lab?

The AT Lab is a quiet, safe, and respectful academic working environment. At the AT Lab, you can find more accessible workstations, a meeting room, AT support, an AT Loaning Library, and Accessible Print-Based Services. The lab is in Room E303, located on the 3rd floor of Student Commons at the Ottawa Campus (beside the elevators).

How do I request a physical accommodation in the classroom? 

If you require accessibility accommodations in the classroom including tables, chairs, and/or a large-screen monitor, contact CAL. 

What are the hours of operation of the AT Lab?

We are open Monday to Friday, from 9:00am-5:00pm.

The hours vary depending on the semester, so check our signs and our site regularly for hours.

What are Accessible Print-Based Services (APBS)? 

The Accessible Print-Based Services (APBS) helps eligible learners acquire print-based course materials and textbooks in the format they need. This can include:  

  • Accessible digital text (works with software to read aloud) 
  • Large print 
  • Braille 

To determine if you are eligible for APBS, contact CAL as soon as possible.

Some requests can take up to four weeks to process. 


What resources does the AT Lab provide to Faculty?

The AT Team can explain our services for students, demonstrate some of the AT students use, and explain how it helps increase student access.

Assistive Technologists

Assistive Technology On Campus

Students can access various Assistive Technology software options. Examples include:

  • Read & Write – Download the trial version from
    • Under ‘Products’ choose ‘Try Read & Write Now’, then select your operating system and version of English.
    • When it asks you to sign in, use your email (this is a Microsoft account). Using your Algonquin College email will unlock the full version on all Operating Systems.
  • Zoomtext – Screen magnification with reading
  • JAWS – Screen reader
  • Inspiration – Mind-mapping

Make an appointment with your Assistive Technologist to explore your assistive technology options.