
Cancellation Policy

If a student needs to cancel an appointment, the must give at least 24 hours’ notice prior to the scheduled start time of their appointment. The student must either send an email to Christine Elvina at elvinac@algonquincollege.com or call 613-7274723 ext.6661 and leave a voice message. Should a student fail to give the required notice without valid documentation (doctor’s note etc.) the student will be credited with a “no show” in the system. If a student receives two “no shows” in a semester, that student will be suspended from Student Learning Centre services for one academic semester.

Missed Appointment

If a student does not attend a scheduled appointment, the student will be credited with a “no show” in the system. If a student receives two “no shows” in a semester, that student will be suspended from Student Learning Centre services for one academic semester.

Maximum Appointments per Week

Each student is entitled to book two one-hour appointments per week, per subject (excluding math drop in). This is to ensure that all students wishing to utilize the services provided within the Student Learning Centre have an equal opportunity to access them.

Appeal Process

If a student wishes to appeal a “no show” ruling, they must notifyChristine Elvina at elvinac@algonquincollege.com within 48 hours of the scheduled appointment. At that time the student and Joel will arrange a time to meet and discuss the situation in detail.

Intentional Circumvention of Policy

If a student is found to be intentionally circumventing any of the Student Learning Centre’s policies that student may be suspended from the services offered through the Student Learning Centre for a semester or longer, depending on the severity of the situation.