Emotional Intelligence: Building Self-Awareness and Positive Relationships

Emotions, intrinsic to our humanity, drive action, fuel creativity, and shape our connections with others. Despite historical undervaluation compared to intellectual reasoning, emotions significantly influence judgments, relationships, and career trajectories. This workshop is designed to elevate emotional intelligence (EQ), the ability to discern, evaluate, and effectively engage with personal and others’ emotions.

Participants will focus on essential building blocks for emotional intelligence development, honing skills in self-awareness, emotional management, physiological and behavioural reactions, understanding the link between emotions and values, surmounting communication barriers, building trust, and exercising empathy. Practical applications of these skills in personal and professional contexts are emphasized throughout the workshop.

Delving into advanced practical skills and behaviours, this workshop builds on the groundwork laid in previous sessions. It equips participants with strategies to comprehend, express, and regulate emotions while providing tools for managing emotional interactions with others.

Through a mix of self-reflective exercises, group activities, and discussions, participants create a supportive environment for exploring and enhancing their emotional intelligence. The workshop, blending theory with hands-on application, empowers attendees to navigate the intricate landscape of emotions, fostering personal growth and enriching interpersonal relationships.

What you'll learn

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Understand foundational components of emotional intelligence
  • Develop self-awareness and gain a deeper understanding of personal triggers
  • Understand the benefits of emotional intelligence for one’s self, close relationships, and team environments
  • Use practical tools to self-assess one’s emotional state
  • Understand emotional intelligence from a neuroscientific perspective
  • Develop practical strategies for greater emotional regulation
  • Understand how to overcome negative cognitive frameworks
  • Be more effective in identifying and articulating emotions in yourself and others
  • Be more effective in identifying and articulating emotions in yourself and others
  • Build capacity for empathic listening
  • Understand the connection between personal values and motivation
  • Understand the role of emotional intelligence in the workplace, team dynamics and collaboration
  • Build greater awareness of the emotions of others.
  • Create an Action Plan to guide the application of skills learned
  • More effectively collaborate with others

Who should attend

This workshop is for anyone seeking a powerful introduction to emotional intelligence and practical tools to support their personal and professional growth.


1 day

2 session(s) available

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For more information about individual or group registration please call 1-833-282-6852 or email training@algonquincollege.com.

Government of Canada Employees

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