Inclusion Infusions Podcast: Safe Washrooms on Campus

Last week was Transgender Day of Visibility, and next week is Day of Pink. Between these two days of recognition of the importance of 2SLGBTQ+ inclusion, take some time and listen in on the newest Inclusion Infusions Podcast: Safe Washrooms on Campus.

This episode is an open response to the curiosity and controversy surrounding washrooms and the trans and non-binary community. Listening to an Inclusion Infusions podcast is an opportunity to hear the perspectives of expert thinkers in the field of equity, diversity and inclusion, and tie that to the practicalities of Ontario’s College system. This episode’s co-hosts Dr. Martin Lee and Sarah Gauen speak with national and local experts Jade Pichette from Pride at Work Canada, Quinn Blue with the Algonquin College Students Association and Mike Laviolette from Campus Security on safety, security and the lived experiences of transgender students and employees.

Algonquin College Respects Everyone's right to choose the washroom that is appropriate for them.

Image of washroom sign for trans and non binary inclusion


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