Eleven Highly Effective Blended Teaching Practices

Hybrid Course Design and Deliver > Eleven Highly Effective Blended Teaching Practices

This list is based on 2016 and 2019 surveys of all Oregon State University faculty who had
taught hybrid courses on the Corvallis and Cascades campuses

These are practices identified as “very effective” or “extremely effective” by more than two-
thirds of instructors using them:

  1. Real-world applications to connect theory to practice
  2. Student-to-instructor interaction in both the classroom and online environment
  3. Lectures of less than 15 minutes interspersed with other class activities
  4. Student-to-student interaction in both classroom and online environments
  5. Integration between classroom and online learning environments
  6. Active learning (for example, think-pair-share, problem-solving exercises, group work)
  7. Online content/learning activities referred to during face-to-face meetings to reinforce
  8. Learning activities outside of class prepare students to participate in class meetings
  9. Group activities that have both an in-class and out-of-class component
  10. Prompt and specific feedback given on assessments (e.g., quizzes, papers, projects)
  11. Classroom discussions

From Blended Learning Resources – Center for Teaching and Learning, Oregon State University