R3 Showcase July 19 | Project Overview + Live Demo of Navigation 101 in Thesis SM

Jul 19, 2022 |10:00-10:45

The July 19 R3 Showcase welcomed more than 150 participants to its virtual gathering where participants were provided with a general overview of the R3 Project scope. Participants also saw a demo of the new Student Information System, Thesis SM, and had the opportunity to asks questions at the end.

R3 Project Executive Sponsor and Vice President, Student Services Laura Stanbra welcomed more than 150 people to the event. She opened with a welcoming message that reiterated the purpose of the Showcase events, but then went on to explain that this Showcase was going back to the basics to help all employees get a better understanding of the R3 Project.

Cathy McNally, Engagement and Communications Manager with the R3 Project, provided the general overview of the R3 Project scope. This included an explanation of the five main objectives, the three key purposes, and the general R3 Project timeline. She then listed plenty of resources so that participants knew where to find out more about the Project.

Charmaine Childs, Change Management Officer, gave a live demo of the new Student Information System, Thesis SM. In the demo environment, she showed participants how to use some common features, such as logging in, changing the settings, accessing the Home User Board, Modules and Sub-Menus, setting your favourites, searching for a student, and accessing a student’s Academic Record.

Following Charmaine’s demo, participants were invited to ask questions. The question and answer period included a range of questions about data and the new Student Information System, Thesis SM.

Watch the Showcase:

Watch Each Section:

0:00-4:18 Welcome and Introductions: Laura Stanbra
4:18-22:17 R3 Project Overview: Cathy McNally
22:18-34:10 Basic Navigation on Thesis SM: Charmaine Childs
34:11- 48:03 Live Q&A

Watch the Live Demo:

Access the July 19, 2022 Showcase Presentation Slidedeck.

Access the demo slides of the July 19 Showcase