Myth Busting Flu Vaccines

Wondering whether you should get your flu shot or not? Check out the information on this page to find out why we say yes!

Vaccines Vaccines

The Difference Between a Cold and the Flu


Flu Shot


Flu Myths vs. Facts

Myth: The flu shot causes the flu

FACT: The flu shot takes 2 weeks to build its defence in the body. It can cause a low-grade fever -this is a normal process. It means that the vaccine is building its immunity in the body to protect you against the flu. If flu symptoms occur within the 2 weeks following your vaccination, it means your body hasn’t built up the immunity yet. Remember that during this period you are still at risk for getting sick.

Myth: The flu is not serious

FACT: The flu can be very serious and can spread QUICKLY and EASILY. Before you are aware that you are sick, the flu will have already spread to others. PEOPLE DIE. The flu results in 3500 deaths A YEAR as well as 12,200 hospitalizations.

Myth: If so many other people get their flu shot, I don’t need to get mine

FACT: Yes, you do. Relying on others to protect you only works if everyone else is getting their flu shot. If everybody takes the same mindset, fewer people would be immunized and the risk of others getting sick is drastically increased.

Myth: The flu shot is not adequately tested for safety

FACT: Vaccines are safe and effective. Vaccines must prove to be safe and effective at preventing the diseases they target before being released to the public. Once a vaccine is in use, Canadian health authorities continue to monitor it for side effects. Serious side effects are rare.

Myth: Natural is better – we shouldn’t put foreign substances like vaccines into our bodies

FACT: Vaccines are made from natural sources. Vaccines are made from live germs that have been modified to not cause illness. Vaccines stimulate our immune system in the same way that the infection would, but without making us sick.

Myth: It will cost me money

FACT: Canadian residents are covered to receive the flu shot. Bring your health card with you to your appointment! International students can receive their flu shot at Algonquin College Health Services.


Are you up to date with your other vaccinations?

  • Tetanus/Diphtheria
  • Tetanus/Diphtheria/Acellular Pertussis (Tdap)
  • Polio
  • Varicella/Zoster
  • Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR)
  • Hepatitis B and C
  • Gardasil (HPV)

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