Anti-Racism, Discrimination and Equity

Course: SSC5012

This course is part of the following part-time on campus and/or online program(s):

Students learn the definition of racism and discrimination, and will be able to identify the various sources of discrimination and racism resulting from cultural values and physical differences between individuals. By identifying racism and discrimination issues in North American society, students learn how to analyze the sociological factors that cause bias and prejudice to surface in our society. The main objective of this course is to enhance sensitivity to and intolerance of mistreatment based on racial or ethnic background and appearance, and to consider how to handle these issues as professional individuals in a pluralistic Canadian society. Students communicate with one another through electronic discussion and learn to appreciate through various readings and assignments the many facets of racism and discrimination. This course will be of interest to workers in health services, education, human resources and business, and those who want to enhance their knowledge and sensitivity to issues of racism and discrimination particularly when communicating with people from other cultures or with physical appearances that differ from their own.

Required Software

Word processor

All sections for this course are in progress.

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