Testing Accommodation – One-way Navigation

This accommodation addresses the barrier that some students with disabilities experience when “one-direction navigation restrictions” are on assessments/quizzes/tests/exams in Brightspace, where these one-way navigation restrictions prevent students from returning to earlier questions.

The following are some questions and answers regarding this:

How do I allow only those with the accommodation to backtrack through questions?

We recommend taking the following steps to provide a copy of the test/exam for those with this accommodation

  1. Ensure the test requires no more editing to questions or settings
  2. Navigate to Activities > Quizzes
  3. Click the chevron next to the quiz you wish to copy and click Copy
  4. Update the name of the quiz
  5. Turn off the “Prevent moving backwards through pages” setting
  6. Navigate to Restrictions
  7. Scroll to Special Access on the bottom of the page
  8. [Important] Click the second radial button “Allow only users with special access to see this quiz
  9. Click the Add Users to Special Access button
    Note: If the student also requires additional time, it can be set here by overriding the Enforced Time Limit
  10. Scroll down to the Users section and search for and check off the students that require this accommodation
  11. Click Add Special Access

Note: Once the (Accommodation) Quiz has been completed and graded, you will need to manually enter the grade under the original test grade item to ensure their overall grade is properly reflected.