Work Study Program

What is CSEP (College Student Employment Program)?

At Algonquin College you can study and work part-time through on-campus opportunities! Recognizing that there is high demand by students in financial need for employment opportunities on campus, Algonquin College disburses a portion of its TFSA (Tuition Fee Set Aside) funds under the College Student Employment Program (CSEP). Each year, Algonquin College departments have an opportunity to request funding for CSEP employment opportunities.

Who is eligible for CSEP?

  • You must be currently enrolled in a full-time program. The following students are not eligible: Second Career, Apprenticeship Programs, International students, Algonquin College employees paying a reduced tuition, Collaborative programs with the University of Ottawa or Carleton University and all programs that are not Ministry-approved.
  • You must be a Canadian citizen, a Permanent Resident, or a Protected Person/Convention Refugee within the meaning of subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) prior to the application deadline date.
  • You must demonstrate a financial need by successfully applying for OSAP or out-of-province financial aid funding.

How to apply for CSEP:

Your eligibility for CSEP will be assessed when you apply for an Algonquin College CSEP position. Algonquin College employers will forward us their pool of candidates for verification.